GICHD Outlook Report 2025


Multilateral processes are informed by evidence and supported by expert advice

5 multilateral processes informed/ supported to develop and implement legal and political commitments APMBC, CCM, CCW, GFA, EWIPA 7 APMBC-CCM extension requests reflect the GICHD’s inputs APMBC-Cambodia, Colombia, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Zimbabwe; CCM-Lebanon, Somalia 10 interventions in official meetings (statements, panels, side events) 2 intersessional meetings organized APMBC, CCM 15 references to GICHD substantive support and 4 references to logistical support 4 issue briefs, 2 introductory briefings for diplomats and 1 briefing for the Gender Focal Points to the APMBC and CCM

The GICHD provides substantive inputs and advice to help lay the foundation for informed discussions and evidence-based decision- making in multilateral processes that guide policies and activities in EO risk reduction. In 2025, the Centre will continue to support the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC), the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM), and the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) through expert feedback on States Parties’ extension requests under the APMBC and CCM; thematic presentations and statements; participation in meetings of the APMBC Coordinating Committee and CCM Analysis Groups and the provision of on- request advice to office holders. Technical guidance on explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) and gender, diversity, equality, and inclusion (GDEI) will also be conveyed through the EORE Advisory Group—in which the Centre serves as both Secretariat and member—and the Conventions’ Gender and Diversity in Mine Action Working Group. The GICHD will continue to provide logistical support to the Conventions, including by managing their sponsorship programmes, and to contribute to their effective and inclusive implementation.

In cooperation with key partners, the GICHD will launch the development of an e-learning course and organize a regional workshop through its Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia regional cooperation programme, both which are aimed at strengthening knowledge dissemination of the legal framework applicable to mine action. The Centre will also host two introductory sessions on EO risk reduction for newly appointed disarmament diplomats in Geneva and publish thematic analysis briefs. On conventional weapons and ammunition, the GICHD will support with the implementation of the Global Framework for Through-life Conventional Ammunition Management (GFA), as well as of the EWIPA (explosive weapons in populated areas) Political Declaration, whose second follow-up meeting will be hosted by Costa Rica in 2025. Support for the GFA will include collaboration with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and its SaferGuard Programme. The GICHD will support with establishing an international assistance mechanism, contribute to elaborating the Global Framework implementation guide, and participate in the GFA preparatory meeting of states in June 2025. Finally, the Centre will contribute to the yearly meeting of International Mine Action National Directors and UN Advisors, which will be jointly hosted and organized with the UN Mine Action Service.



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