GICHD Outlook Report 2025


National responses are framed by strategies, regulated by up-to-date standards, and enabled by information management

1 strategy developed Azerbaijan 2 strategies launched Libya, Yemen 3 strategies implemented

The GICHD supports national authorities and partners in developing strategies, standards, and information management critical to managing explosive ordnance risks. By strengthening national ownership, the GICHD enables more effective, efficient, and sustainable local responses. This upstream work, essential for downstream operations on the ground, promotes context-specific, evidence-based, and inclusive approaches. Key actions include: (1) developing and updating guidance, ranging from national standards to locally applicable good practices; (2) conducting assessments to identify gaps and provide recommendations; (3) offering tools to enable access to information platforms; (4) supporting the development, implementation and review of strategies; and (5) enhancing capacity through training and knowledge exchange. Strategic planning for 2025 includes support to national authorities for finalizing, launching and implementing strategies in Libya, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Yemen, including by organizing workshops and facilitating mid-term strategy reviews. The GICHD will also support the development of a new strategy in Azerbaijan. Consultative strategic planning processes that focus on context analysis with stakeholders will ensure that diverse needs and priorities are reflected, that strategies are context specific and align with global best practices. Within the framework of the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) Review

Board work plan 2025–2026, the GICHD will take a more active role in chairing and coordinating technical working groups. Training will be provided to national authorities on best practices for developing and revising their national standards, including gender and diversity mainstreaming. A toolkit will also be developed to guide national authorities in the governance of their standards. Revisions and development will focus on eight national standards across five countries (Ethiopia, Laos, Libya, Sri Lanka and Yemen) and one ammunition-related standard in Peru. On ammunition, the Centre will also support with updating the International Ammunition Technical Guidelines (IATG). In 2025, information management (IM) capabilities will be strengthened through comprehensive training. Key activities include delivering Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) Core training courses, including regional training in Latin America and West Africa, expanding the IMSMA Core community of practice, and enhancing knowledge-sharing through webinars and facilitated exchanges. IM support will be tailored to the needs of national authorities with updates to tools and practices, including support of IMSMA Core upgrades in countries such as Afghanistan, Angola, Ethiopia, Iraq, Laos, Palau, Ukraine, and Vietnam maintaining information security through ISO 27001 compliance, and ensuring a smooth upgrade for programmes using older IMSMA systems. To accelerate system implementation and adoption, forward-based IM staff will be embedded in Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Yemen.

Libya, Sri Lanka, Yemen 2 strategies reviewed Moldova, Sri Lanka

5 IMAS and 8 NMAS developed/revised 12 IATG and ammunition through-life management (TLM) of standards reviewed 1 IATG module developed 1 national ammunition standard revised Peru 5 IM capacity scores improved 5 new countries/territories with IMSMA established Angola, Armenia, Kosovo, Senegal, Serbia



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