Gender and diversity are mainstreamed, and equality and inclusion promoted in explosive ordnance risk reduction
The GICHD supports national authorities and partners in integrating gender and diversity considerations and in promoting equality and inclusion in mine action and ammunition management with the higher objective of enabling more inclusive, safe, effective, efficient, and sustainable local responses. In 2025, the GICHD will provide support to Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Ukraine and Yemen as part of the Centre’s multi-year approach to reinforce the capabilities needed to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion. Specifically, the GICHD will support inclusive strategic planning processes in Libya and Yemen to ensure impact is reached by assisting national authorities in aligning mine action priorities, international obligations, and national commitments for the promotion of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Strong leadership is key for transforming social and institutional norms towards eliminating inequalities and injustices. To reinforce the leadership capabilities of national authorities in the Middle East and North Africa region, the GICHD will deliver an inclusive leadership training course under the umbrella of its regional cooperation programme. Moreover, to support
national authorities with integrating gender and diversity considerations in mine action programming, the GICHD will deliver a Global Gender Focal Point Capacity Development Programme. The programme incorporates skills-based training, mentorship, and technical advice. Finally, the Centre will continue to provide technical advice to Colombia and Ukraine through workshops focusing on how to operationalize recommendations from earlier assessments on GDEI. Inclusive information management is also key to ensuring that mine action responses are grounded in a solid understanding around the needs of affected communities. To achieve this as well as to promote uptake of the study on inclusive data management, 1 the GICHD will facilitate a regional workshop in Latin America to exchange on good practices and challenges in the region. Through the UN SaferGuard’s Women Managing Ammunition-Network, the GICHD will continue to support the inclusion of female ammunition specialists in technical and leadership positions through mentoring and delivering an all-female ammunition specialist course organized by the UNODA and the Austrian Ministry of Defence.
5 countries supported to enhance well- functioning gender and diversity capacity Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Ukraine, Yemen 25% representation of women in all GICHD-organized events 50% representation of local or national organizations in all GICHD- organized events 80% representation of people from affected countries in all GICHD-organized events
1 Inclusive Data Management in the Mine Action Sector
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