GICHD Outlook Report 2025


The impact of explosive ordnance risk reduction is enhanced through connections with global agendas

The role of EO risk reduction as enabling and transformative for other humanitarian, development and peace agendas continues to be documented and promoted by the GICHD. The Centre provides expert advice on the relevance of EO risk reduction in forums/initiatives on international humanitarian law, human rights, climate change, migration and displacement, social and behaviour change communication (SBCC), including through regional and South-South cooperation. In 2025, the GICHD will be supporting Colombia, Lebanon, Ukraine and Vietnam in linking explosive ordnance risk reduction to global agendas. Specifically, the Centre will work towards enhancing the capacity of national authorities to deliver effective and measurable results, namely under the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, and the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda. This will be achieved by providing strategic and operational guidance as well as training, and outreach efforts. In Ukraine, specifically, the Centre will deliver technical advice through a training course to support the national authority in strengthening the links between explosive ordnance risk reduction and global agendas in its national action plan.

The Centre also intends to stimulate greater reflection within the sector by disseminating evidence on the benefits of mainstreaming broader approaches and help to firmly embed EORR’s role in advancing the humanitarian, development and peace nexus (known as the Triple Nexus) in larger policy discussions. To this end, in 2025, the GICHD will launch its self-paced e-learning course that builds on the findings of earlier case studies exploring the sustainable development outcomes of mine action in eight country contexts. Building on the success of its case studies, the GICHD will publish three more studies exploring linkages between EO risk reduction and the WPS and YPS agendas and provide recommendations for enhancing these synergies at national, regional, and international levels. Finally, as outlined in the GICHD’s report on sector mapping and needs analysis, EORE remains critically important. Through its role as EORE Advisory Group Secretariat and member, the Centre will continue to facilitate coordination and knowledge- sharing with stakeholders beyond the sector. As such, the GICHD will organize a side event at the annual SBCC Summit, collaborating with BBC Media Action, to promote EO risk reduction and EORE to thousands of public health practitioners.

4 countries supported to link EO risk reduction with global agendas Colombia, Lebanon, Ukraine, Vietnam Technical inputs provided to strengthen links between EO risk reduction and global agendas Ukraine 3 studies on WPS linking EO risk reduction with global agendas disseminated 2 studies on global agendas developed (TBD) 1 e-learning course launched 4 interventions delivered to strengthen knowledge on the linkages between EO risk reduction and global agendas



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