The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) works to reduce risks to communities stemming from explosive ordnance (EO). Guided by its four-year Strategy (2023–2026), in 2025 the Centre will continue to help develop and professionalize EO risk reduction for the benefit of affected countries. It will do so by providing four distinct and mutually reinforcing lines of service: generating knowledge, disseminating knowledge, supporting the codification of knowledge, as well as fostering partnerships, dialogue and cooperation. Through generous financial support from 15 donors, the above-mentioned activities will help support partners in at least 35 countries and/or territories in 2025. For the GICHD, the term ‘EO risk reduction’ comprises mine action and ammunition management activities that are designed to reduce the risks posed to individuals and communities by all types of EO. This Outlook Report exemplifies our engagement to EO risk reduction by describing activities
planned for 2025 in four specific contexts in greater detail: Libya, Peru, Ukraine and Yemen. This report also sets out how the GICHD intends to advance the five outcomes of its four-year Strategy in 2025. As the new director of the GICHD, I am committed to advancing the implementation of our four-year Strategy, aimed at increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of EO risk reduction. In this process, support for the development of capacities of national and international partners will remain a mainstay of our work in 2025. The GICHD will provide support in thematic areas relevant to EO risk reduction, such as strategic planning, national standards development, gender, diversity, equality, and inclusion, explosive ordnance risk education, research and innovation, as well as information management. While continuing to promote the application of existing good practice—in line with agreed international standards and guidelines—the GICHD will put greater emphasis on innovation in 2025. It will enhance research on new tools and equipment, and methods, and it
will seek to connect EO risk reduction with global agendas. In its operations, the Centre will continue to rely on a tailor-made results-based management system which measures progress against its objectives and outcomes and guides its planning. The Centre has been implementing this system since 2015 and is continuously improving. It is underpinned by a Theory of Change supported by a monitoring framework. In 2025, the GICHD will also launch a mid-term review of its current Strategy. In line with its traditional role, the GICHD will continue to support both the mine action-related Conventions and broader multilateral processes on conventional arms and ammunition, by bringing field evidence and expertise to the forums where norms are developed, and their implementation is fostered and monitored.
Ambassador Tobias Privitelli GICHD Director
“ Risks from explosive ordnance remain significant across the world with progress hindered by security issues and by insufficient funding and capacities. Years of experience have allowed the GICHD to increase the efficiency and safety of explosive ordnance risk reduction efforts. ”
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