the financial pillar lays out the priorities which the Centre is pursuing to improve financial sustainability and efficiency in resource management; and the institutional pillar summarizes how the Centre is adapting its structures and processes to remain fit for purpose and in sync with its core values. A system of monitoring and evaluation is applied to measure progress in all three pillars and collect evidence for strategic steering, planning, and reporting. Finally, in all its activities, the GICHD relies on long-term partnerships with key actors in reducing risks from explosive ordnance: national and local authorities, donors, the United Nations, other international and regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, commercial companies, and academia. In recent years, the Centre has made significant efforts to build strategic networks with relevant stakeholders, including those located in International Geneva and the Maison de la paix, to achieve greater coordination and coherence across humanitarian, development, disarmament as well as peace and security efforts.
The 2023–2026 GICHD Strategy is guided by the vision of a world free from the risks posed by all types of explosive ordnance. In such a world, both individuals and communities can thrive, people are safe from the threat of physical harm, explosive ordnance (EO) is no longer an obstacle to livelihoods and does not limit access to fundamental services. To attain this vision, the GICHD helps partners at all levels, starting with national authorities, to establish the key ingredients that are necessary for them to address the risks posed by EO in a safe, effective, and efficient way. The Centre promotes solutions that are (a) innovative, to ensure that the sector adapts to evolving challenges; (b) tailored and nationally owned, to respond to the specific context and (c) sustainable, to foster the long-term perspective of explosive ordnance risk reduction. The structure of the GICHD Strategy consists of three pillars: the Theory of Change describes the purpose of the Centre and the impact it aims to achieve with its operations, distilled into strategic objectives and outcomes;
GICHD Innovation Session on AI for Mine Action, October 2024 © GICHD/Antoine Tardy
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