IED Clearance Good Practice Guide


When conducting IED building search, there should be specific consideration given to building search. If possible, points such as main entrances, doorways and approach routes should be avoided as these points are often the most likely locations for firing switches of IEDs to be located. These points are commonly referred to as vulnerable points (VPs). The casualty evacuation plan should account for the entry phase, as there may be specific considerations to mitigate until standard entry points can be effectively searched. The immediate priority should then be searching from inside to the main entrance point and linking this with a clearly marked safe approach lane(s).

Image 14. An initial access route has been selected into a building suspected of having VOIEDs present. The route has avoided the main entrance way

If access through a VP is the only available option, then this should be carefully planned and managed with appropriate search procedures applied (see Section 3 – Search Core Skills and Procedures). This could include assessing the device layout and whether firing switches have been offset from the main charges.

Image 15. Gaining safe access to abandoned IED main charges. Note the markings are clear and appropriate for their purpose

Search planning and execution


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