IED Clearance Good Practice Guide

With this information it is likely the IEDD operator will identify more than one possible course of action to achieve disposal. Using the guidance of the MA IEDD philosophies, general principles and available resources, they must decide which is the most appropriate. The following risk pyramids can be used as a guide to evaluate the suitability of possible courses of action. The course of action which can be performed by the techniques and procedures higher up the risk pyramids will generally be safer and therefore preferred.


Demolition in situ

Low risk


Energetic disruption

High risk

Semi-remote separation


* This is NOT referring to manual neutralisation but actions such as separating any tape holding lengths of detonating cord together.


Once the most suitable course of action has been identified a plan can be formulated. This should be done in the CP to minimise time inside the explosive danger area and to allow for a clear thought process in a safe area.

ׁ WARNING. Do not be tempted to plan whilst beside the IED as there is heightened mental stress and it is dangerous.

Plan as much of the task in advance as is feasible. If possible, this should cover the whole task from start to finish. However, there will be occasions when not all the information is known until some form of positive action has been taken, after which the plan should be reviewed and developed further, ideally back in the CP. Breaking the execution or RSP down into phases aids in drafting the plan. Record what will be undertaken at each phase and assess what are the ‘most likely’ and ‘worst case’ outcomes. Plan for the ‘most likely’ but ensure there is a contingency for the ‘worst case’. Noting down the plan will make it easier to review and identify any gaps. It will also make the task more efficient as the IMAS Level 2 IEDD assistant operator can prepare the equipment for the next phase in advance. It is recommended that each phase of the plan aligns with an approach, whether by remote or manual means.

IEDD task conduct


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