The positive action of functioning the bottle disruptor must be conducted in a safe manner. It is important that the community and MA staff are evacuated to outside of the explosive danger area and an effective cordon is put in place. Any MA staff remaining inside the explosive danger area must be suitably protected. Prior to conducting positive action all relevant personnel, including other agencies at the scene, should be informed that a controlled explosion is about to take place. This is to prevent others mistakenly thinking an incident or accident has occurred and inadvertently responding to it.
ׁ WARNING. When the disruptor is fired there is the possibility the IED may function. Suitable cordon and evacuation must be in place and any MA staff remaining inside the explosive danger area must be suitably protected.
Confirmation of disruption is an important procedure that ideally should be done remotely using an ROV or UAV, if available. If ROVs / UAVs are not available, then the use of hand-held optics is advisable before the MA IEDD operator conducts their next manual approach. A safe waiting period must be observed between the positive action and the MA IEDD operator’s next manual approach.
ׁ NOTE. Confirmation of disruption is not complete until the IEDD operator has manually confirmed disruption at the target.
Following disruption, the IED’s components will have been scattered, with some components projected further than others. When confirming disruption, it is important that the IEDD operator does not become focused solely on where the IED had originally been located. Rather, they should scan the wider area with consideration of how the disruptor was placed in relation to the IED and what effect it was likely to have had. With experience, the IEDD operator will gain a good appreciation of where and how far components will be scattered.
ׁ HINT. When returning to the IED to confirm disruption, it is good practice for the IEDD operator to return with a second bottle disruptor. If disruption has not been completely successfully, then a second disruptor can be placed without the IEDD operator having to make repeated manual approaches.
ׁ WARNING. Safe confirmation of positive actions is critically important. Even if the bottle disruptor was placed manually, the use of an ROV or UAV should be considered, if available, to confirm that disruption has been achieved before re-entering the danger area.
ׁ WARNING. Disruption may have resulted in component separation. However, components which could cause an inadvertent detonation might be in VERY CLOSE proximity to each other (battery cells and electric detonator leads). The IEDD operator must exercise caution during confirmatory actions.
IEDD techniques and procedures
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