IED Clearance Good Practice Guide

4.9.2.WHY IS THE USE OF A PYROTECHNIC TORCH / THERMITE LANCE ‘GOOD PRACTICE’? A pyrotechnic torch / thermite lance is useful when destruction in situ causing a high order detonation is undesirable. This is normally due to the risk of causing damage to the surrounding infrastructure. A pyrotechnic torch / thermite lance in this instance could be used as a low order technique to induce a burn and dispose of the IED main charge. When high explosives for a donor charge are unavailable, a pyrotechnic torch / thermite lance can also be used to deliberately target an exposed detonator to achieve a high order detonation. This avoids the extra complications of a low order technique, such as having to apply safe waiting periods after the last sign of smoke, and difficulties of inducing a reliable burn in some explosives.

ׁ WARNING. When conducting a burn, the plan must always account for a high order detonation occurring and suitable safety distances must be in place. If a high order detonation is unacceptable then a different disposal technique must be used.

ׁ REMEMBER. Where possible, disposal by sympathetic detonation from a high explosive donor charge is the preferred technique. This is because there is less variance in the end result and the associated safety concerns related to igniting a slow burn of the explosives.


• Easier to import, store and transport than high explosives;

• May be easier to gain permission from relevant national authorities;

• Adaptable in its application – can be used to achieve disposal through high order detonation in addition to its intended low order burn.


• Low order burn cannot be guaranteed;

• Increased time for disposal due to burning taking longer and a lengthier safe waiting (soak) period which must be applied;

• Not as consistent as other disposal methods and carries a greater risk of failure;

• If not used correctly it could leave the IED in a more dangerous state.


Pyrotechnic torches / thermite lances can be used to induce a low order burn in an IED’s main charge. They are designed to melt through thin cased metal and plastic bodies (generally up to around 10 mm thick steel) and induce a burn in the explosive fill. They work best when used against an IED main charge consisting of military ordnance. Results are less consistent when used against HME filled main charges due to higher variables in the explosive fill.

ׁ HINT. Pyrotechnic torches / thermite lances are relatively ineffective at inducing a low order burn in ammonium nitrate based HMEs, due to the HME’s slow uptake of heat.

IEDD techniques and procedures


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