Image 64 was taken with a high-resolution camera less than 1 m from an IED measuring approximately 25 cm in diameter and of completely different colour to the surrounding environment.
Image 65. Taken from the same distance but a very slightly different perspective
Image 65 was taken from a very slightly different perspective (less than 0.5 m difference). This change has conclusively revealed the IED component.
Sandy soil is often the type of environment in which a sign can be used to best effect. However, it is an environment in which a sign can age relatively quickly, changing its characteristics, and potentially making it easier or harder to determine. For example, if a pressure plate IED is buried in reasonably hard sandy soil, a disturbance may initially be easier to see than for softer conditions. Over time, the wind and rain reduce how noticeable this disturbance is by redistributing the surface particles, whereas in softer conditions, the sand may recompress over time leaving a very noticeable area of flattening or disturbance.
Image 66. Sandy soil clearly showing disturbance and colour change where an IED main charge is located
IED signs
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