Note: A number of other enabling activities are required to support these five components of mine action, including: assessment and planning, the mobilisation and prioritisation of resources, information management, human skills development and management training, QM and the application of effective, appropriate and safe equipment. (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019) Mine action organisation. Refers to any organisation (government, military, commercial or NGO/civil society) responsible for implementing mine action projects or tasks. The mine action organisation may be a prime contractor, subcontractor, consultant or agent. (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019) Monitoring. Refers to a continuing function that uses systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and the main stakeholders of an on-going project, programme or policy with indications of the extent of progress and achievement of objectives, and progress in the use of allocated funds. [OECD/DAC]. (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019)
Munroe Effect . A focusing of blast energy caused by a hollow or void cut into the surface of an explosive. (Source: UNMAS IED Lexicon)
National Mine Action Authority (NMAA). The government entity, often an inter-ministerial committee, in a mine-affected country charged with the responsibility for the regulation, management and coordination of mine action. Note: In the absence of a NMAA, it may be necessary and appropriate for the UN, or some other recognised international body, to assume some or all of the responsibilities, and fulfil some or all the functions, of a MAC or, less frequently, an NMAA. (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019) Non-permissive environment. In the context of humanitarian mine action: an operational area during a specified time period where there is a humanitarian need, where access is not possible, or where consent is not provided by relevant stakeholders, preventing mine action activities to take place according to the humanitarian principles and within the framework of International Humanitarian Law. (opp. Permissive environment). (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019) Non-Technical Survey (NTS). Refers to the collection and analysis of data, without the use of technical interventions, about the presence, type, distribution and surrounding environment of explosive ordnance contamination, in order to define better where explosive ordnance contamination is present, and where it is not, and to support land release prioritisation and decision-making processes through the provision of evidence. (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019)
Omni-directional Effect. An aspect of main charge configuration where the explosion expands in all directions. (Source: UNMAS IED Lexicon)
Outcome. In the context of mine action evaluation, the term refers to ... the likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs. Outcomes are related to the ‘effectiveness’ of an intervention. (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019) Output. In the context of mine action evaluation, the term refers to ... the products, capital goods and services which result from a mine action intervention. Outputs may also include changes resulting from the intervention which are relevant to the achievement of outcomes (such as the development of local capacities). (Source: IMAS 04.10 Second Edition, Amendment 10, February 2019)
Passive Infrared (PIR). A switch that detects movement of a heat source. When the change in ambient temperature is detected, the sensor acts as a trigger to function the IED. (Source: UNMAS IED Lexicon)
Glossary of terms
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