Table of Contents | 2 |
Executive Summary | 4 |
The Strategy | 5 |
Overview | 6 |
Project Portfolio | 7 |
Budget | 8 |
Allocation of Contributions | 9 |
Where we work: Others | 10 |
Where we work: MENALA | 11 |
Where we work: Asia | 12 |
Planning by Outcome | 13 |
Outcome 1 | 14 |
Outcome 2 | 15 |
Outcome 3 | 16 |
Outcome 4 | 17 |
Outcome 5 | 18 |
Country Support | 19 |
Libya | 20 |
Peru | 21 |
Ukraine | 22 |
Yemen | 23 |
The Pillars | 24 |
Financial & Institutional | 25 |
Annex I Divider | 26 |
Annex I | 27 |
List of abbreviations | 3 |
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